PNGeo V1.0.1 hotfix

Hey everyone Lillycat here with a quick hotfix for a few things that a few people told me about (mainly usability and bugs).

I'll just say what I've changed.

--Bug Fixes--

  • Fixed a odd bug where the PNGtuber maker would randomly hang upon loading large sprites.
  • Fixed the File selector from covering the whole screen when zoomed in.
  • Fixed the weirdness involving the sensitivity of how fast you can Pan the characters (no more super uncontrollable panning!)
  • Fixed PNGtuber avatars from looking blurry with pixel art styled ones.

--Changed/Updated features--

  • Fixed a typo with the "Open Decor Maker" button.
  • Changed internally how panning and zooming works to be based around the *PNGtuber avatar* rather than camera.

Files 15 MB
Mar 18, 2024

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